I found my recipe on cook's illustrated and I disagree with one step which is to wait 15 minutes to roll out the dough if it's been in the fridge. When I have waited, I find that the butter softens before I can roll out the dough so this time I rolled it out straight from the fridge and it was so much easier to work with and I felt that my pastry was even more flaky, light, and crisp. The pie went so fast the hosts and I almost didn't get any!
Question: I did all this fancy crimping of the edges and it clearly does not show. Now, how does one get the crimping to remain crimped for beautiful results, like they do in bakeries?
The other picture is of Ron holding up chicken apple sausages trying to tempt me into submission. I have been mostly vegetarian for years but the past few months I've been tempted by meat and have indulged when eating out with friends. A few weeks ago, I went to Korean BBQ where I had great fish and thought I had reached my meat saturation when I wasn't even tempted by the meat on the grill. The next day I went to a local festival and the craving for meat returned when I saw corn dogs. There's nothing like meat on a stick. Last week I came to the conclusion that I could not make the decision to be vegetarian until I have fried chicken and steak. I sort of had friend chicken last Friday and it was darn tasty. My friends are convinced that if I have steak, I'll never go back. In any case, an hour later, I had a sausage. It was SO good. I compensated by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Good things do come in small packages!
Yes, there were burgers but I didn't have any. They looked amazing though.
I have made many pies, and still have a hard time making them pretty. I try to avoid double crust pies whenever I can because I can never get the pretty crimped edges. So, I'm not any help, but I still think your pie looks delicious!!
I haven't made a double crust pie in ages. I think it's a combination of things, the temperature of the dough, the kind of filling, meaning if it will melt or stay firm.. and then just enough pastry dough that sits at the edge or rim and will not yield or melt once the heat hits it. That's just my opinion...
I can't say I have the right answer on your crust crimping cause frankly, I crimp mine so hard with the fork that most of the time it breaks when I slice it cause it's so thin. lol. Emm...how I wish I could have fried chicken too!
On the pie crust. First, you need to roll it to the inside rather than trying to roll it under. This way the pie plate can support the crust. Second pinch the crust together tightly all the way around. Next use your forefingers and thumbs in a push/pull motion to make the crimps or scallops.
here is a step by step on my other blog:
mmm your pie looks VERY good! For some reason pies seem to go with fall and I am so looking forward to fall coming.... gotta love pies!
Blueberry pies are great. I have never tried a double crust pie. I seem to have enough trouble with a single crust...
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"B" is a great letter of the alphabet!!!! I am a frustrated pie crust maker so can't help you out on that one Nirmala. If I make pie it is with a crumb topping!!!!
stay strong, don't eat the meat! Maybe you need some good protein try some beans and rice.
Thanks for sopping by my blog.
As another guest at this party, I gladly offer a strong endorsement of Nirmala's blueberry pie.
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