Hearing about camping trips and stories, of course, jogged my memory back to the 10th grade. We were on our class bonding trip in Yosemite. I was sharing a tent with at least 4 other girls. Some boys thought it would be humorous to surround our tent with cookies so that the bears would come, and indeed they did! What were they thinking?! Did they not realize that we knew their plan before they did it? We came up with the buddy system to mitigate scary situations. My buddy's time came, we peaked our heads out, saw the glow-in-the-dark bear eyes, and ran for it. The bears were harmless enough. While we didn't bond with the guys in any way they would have liked, we girls certainly did. After a sleepless night and a 4 AM wake up call for the 18 mile hike to Half Dome, we were a lot grouchier than the bears. The cute rugged scruffy older brother of one our teacher's handing us eggs-in-a-basket with a smile slightly lifted our spirits and made our little girl hearts palpitate; re-energized we set out, beating the guys to the top was priceless!
I never thought about cutting out a shape...That is awesome! HRM Princess Kyrie (4) would love it!
Aren't these the best :)
OK...but I'm going to ask the very stupidest of questions...how do you make them? I never had them growing up (or camping), and one of my carpoolmates made one for me one morning, and I was too embarrassed to ask how she did it...I'm such a wuss!
Cool! I have a bajillion cookie cutters and never use then. I think the shapes thing is great and perhaps another way I can make breakfast interesting for my 2.5 year old son! Thanks for the idea.
How cute! I've never thought of cutting a shape other than a circle out! Yum!
my kids love their eggs cooked this way.
my brother in law from england calls these "eggy in the middle". he said when he was little his mom would hand him the bread so he could take a bite out of the middle to cook the egg in.
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