To show my gratitude to a book club member for helping me out a few months ago, I decided to make peach galette to share while we discussed Middlesex this evening. I actually wanted to make apricot galette but their season ended in July, and the taste test at Whole Foods quickly convinced me that I needed to move on to better fruit. After a discussion with a friendly shopper, the produce guy, and three taste tests, I ended up with more peaches than I knew what to do with. Much to my surprise, the best tasting peaches at Whole Foods were the conventionally grown ones; they were also $2 a pound more expensive than the organic ones! It was so worth it.
The galette was delicious. I thought it would be super sweet because the peaches were so very sweet, plus I added a few tablespoons of sugar but it was simply scrumptious if I do say so myself. I bet this would be great with nectarines. It's their peak season too. Eat fruit, be happy! At the very least, buy lots of fruit, cut and freeze to make summer treats in the dead of winter when such luxurious fruit is not available!
-Galette Dough (see June 2007 entries)
-1/3 cup dry bread crumbs (used about a 1/2 cup; see previous entry on prep)
-3 to 4 ripe peaches, sliced thinly
-3 T butter, melted
-3 T sugar or more to taste
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Roll the dough into a 14 inch circle (do this on top of parchment paper). Leaving a 2 inch border, cover the center of the dough with bread crumbs (necessary to keep crust crispy with all the juices). Arrange peaches over the crumbs, making a single layer. Fold the edges of the dough over the fruit, overlapping to make wide pleats. Brush the dough with butter and drizzle any remaining butter over the fruit. Sprinkle both the crust and peaches with sugar. Bake for 15 minutes at 425, then reduce heat to 375 and continue baking until fruit is tender and crust is browned, 20 to 25 minutes more. Remove and let cool to lukewarm before serving.
So I skipped the butter step which I don't recommend. It really does help the crust brown more easily. Seriously, after 1 1/2 sticks, what's another 3 T. Don't skimp on the butter!
If using apricots, select 12 large, ripe, fragrant ones.
holy cow that looks delicious
Thank you! You know I'll make you one once you hold your end of the bargain. ;) I froze half the peaches so I can make some in the winter!
It looks divine!
Funnily enough, I will only eat peaches when cooked/baked.
Thanks for visiting my blog Nirmala. The Peach Galette looks amazing..I can just taste it now, juicy peaches enveloped in rich crust. Very droolworthy!!!
Hi There! Great blog. This galette looks really scrumptious.
This is gorgeous. I have never made a galette before, but now I want to!!
oh my. oh my.
that looks so good.I am with Valli...droolworthy indeed.
Oh how I adore fresh peaches, and even more than that, dessert with fresh peaches!
Love the blog, btw!
hiee nirmala.love the pictures and the layout on ur blog.keep up the good work!
thanks for visiting the baking delights blog!
I manage to cook everyday because we are a LARGE one income family and if I didn't the kids would begin to look a little scrawny. :)
The galette looks divine, first time i heard of something like this....:)
first time here...nice recipes
You have such a beautiful name. I went to school with a girl called Nirmala. Nirmala Thani was her full name :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and helping me to discover yours. The peach galette looks perfect.
Hi Nirmala, thanks for visiting my blog! I'm loving that peach galette, makes me want to eat it right now! I really should take more advantage of these summer fruits!
That looks really tasty!. So far I have just been eating the peaches as they come. Now I am feeling like cooking with them.
Ooooh, that does look good... One of these days I am going to have to master dough... in the meantime I'll cheat with the fresh puff pastry.... no butter in that ;-)
That apricot insight sure explains a lot! Our most recent batch of apricots is so sad, I don't even want to convert them into a pie/tart/galette. Your peach version, though, looks divine!
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